Study on P300 in patients with acute puffer poisoning 急性河豚中毒患者P(300)的研究
Conclusion The change of P 300 may be taken as an objective index of judging the changes and recovery condition of the brain cognitive function in patients with acute puffer poisoning. 结论P300波的变化可作为判断急性河豚中毒患者脑认知功能障碍程度和恢复情况的一项客观指标。
Our country is vast in territory, and has a lot of puffer fish resources; therefore it is quite seriously in poisoning at eating puffer fish in the coastal area. 我国幅员辽阔,有着大量的河豚资源,因此在沿海地区食用河豚中毒的情况相当严重。
It is reported that the number of consumption puffer fish poisoning deaths is accounting for more than 70% of food poisoning deaths in the same period every year in Japan. 据报道日本每年食用河豚中毒死亡人数占同期食物中毒死亡人数的70%以上。